UPDATE: Voting for 2025 CCAS Board Moved to February Meeting
Palm Warbler. Photo by Jeff Bryant.
UPDATE: The vote and Member Meeting originally scheduled for December 5, 2024 was postponed to February 6, 2025. Please join us in person at our February meeting for a vote and informative program! Thank you!
A brief vote to approve the slate of 2025 candidates for the CCAS Board will occur right before the program presentation at our Annual Member Meeting and Monthly Program on February 6!
Please join us in-person at 7:00 PM to help us meet our quorum for the vote! Here is the 2025 slate:
President: Mariska Harshbarger
Vice President: Roger Digges
Secretary: vacant (nominations will be accepted from the floor!)
Treasurer: Todd Kinney
Members At Large:
Beth Chato
Megan Skrip
Susan Pollock
3 additional seats are open (nominations will be accepted from the floor!)
Committee Chairs
Bylaws: Roger Digges
Conservation: Zak Sutton
Education: Ellen Schonken
Field Trip: Aerin Tedesco
Finance: vacant (nominations will be accepted from the floor!)
Membership: Chair: Brock Martin
Program: Elizabeth Rodriguez
Communications: Audrey Sweeney
The Champaign County Audubon Society board is a low-pressure way to learn about conservation issues we face in Central Illinois and is an opportunity to use your skills for good! Learn more about roles and opportunities at https://www.champaigncountyaudubon.org/volunteer.