Our Conservation Partners
Champaign County Audubon works with local groups to spread the word about events and initiatives, conserve bird habitat, and work for positive change in our community.
CCAS is a local chapter of the National Audubon Society and is supported by other local chapters, like Middlefork Audubon Society, and regional chapters, including Great Lakes Audubon, the Illinois Audubon Society, and the Audubon Council of Illinois.
We also collaborate with our partners at the Urbana Park District, Champaign County Forest Preserve District, Allerton Park and Retreat Center, Grand Prairie Friends, and other regional groups to promote conservation and enjoyment of native habitats in our county.
Our Conservation Work
Policy and Local Initiatives
Yes to Forests
In 2020, CCAS officially endorsed a ballot referendum to increase tax funding for the Champaign County Forest Preserve District, as part of the “Vote Yes for Your Forests” initiative. The referendum was successfully passed, providing much-needed funding for our county’s forest preserves.
Champaign County Dark Sky Week
CCAS joined forces with the Champaign County Forest Preserve District (CCFPD) to create our very own Champaign County Dark Sky Week! The week focuses on issues related to light pollution and dark sky initiatives, particularly how they impact humans and wildlife. The week also celebrates Champaign County’s own Middle Fork Forest Preserve, the first International Dark Sky Park in Illinois.
Champaign County Dark Sky Week typically takes place in early April to complement International Dark Sky Week. The week is filled with events, such as pop-up star watches with the Champaign-Urbana Astronomical Society, night hikes at local preserves, and educational seminars or panel discussions about light pollution, local animals, and more.
To learn more or to get involved in Champaign County Dark Sky Week, email champaigncountydarkskyweek@gmail.com or visit champaigncountydarkskyweek.org.
Adopting Natural Areas
CCAS “adopts” natural areas to support conservation efforts. These include Meadowbrook Park in Urbana (adopted 1978).
Fun and Exciting Projects
Prairie Melody Birdseed Fundraiser
Thanks to the support of local businesses like Prairie Melody Birdseed, a portion of sales received during our annual birdseed fundraiser have been contributed to the CCAS Education Fund. Prairie Melody Birdseed is an organic grower located in Cerro Gordo, IL, focusing primarily on high-quality sunflower seed. Be sure to support your local farmer, and tell them CCAS sent you!
The Magic Stump Documentary
“The Magic Stump”, produced by Bob Dolgan, recounts the tale of a singular stump in the farm fields of northern Coles County, IL, and the astounding number of raptors that have visited it every winter for the past decade––including the state’s only pair of Prairie Falcons. CCAS contributed funds to support producing the documentary, and co-hosted a special screening at the Virginia Theatre in February 2022.
Want to work with us on a conservation project?
We are proud to work with many conservation partners to grow our mission and to promote the enjoyment of nature throughout Illinois. Interested in partnering with CCAS?