Field Notes: Welcome, Winter
Sandhill Cranes. Photo by Jeff Bryant.
By Colin Dobson, CCAS President
It’s winter, everyone, and the end of the year is near! Hope everyone has been enjoying the winter birds along with the winter weather and is having a great holiday season! Dark-eyed Juncos and finches are everywhere so watch those feeders. Birds are around in good numbers!
In November we had two successful field trips/gatherings! The Owl Night was a success and besides having such a hit with a large crowd, we also banded a Northern Saw-whet Owl for most to see! Also, our Sandhill Crane trip was a blast as we watched thousands of cranes fly in to roost at Jasper-Pulaski!
Although we may not have any field trips planned in December, our Christmas Bird Count is December 17th, a Saturday, so reach out to us ( if you’d like to participate! Also, look forward to many field trips and programs/gatherings in 2023, because we will be having so many more events to come in 2023 than in the last couple of years!