Field Notes: A Rare Hummingbird Sighting
Broad-tailed Hummingbird. Photo by Deanna Uphoff.
Broad-tailed Hummingbird. Photo by Steve Zehner.
By Susan Pollock, CCAS Newsletter Editor
A Broad-tailed Hummingbird, recorded as a first sighting in Champaign County, visited the yard of Deanna Uphoff in early November. eBird lists 42 reports of this bird from November 8 to 10, 2023 with 29 photos uploaded for those interested in seeing the bird. Photos show this first-time visitor flitting between honeysuckle and a hummingbird feeder in Uphoff’s yard.
This unusual and later-season visit underscores the importance of keeping hummingbird feeders out and filled until December to help the late migrants along their journey. The presence of feeders does not discourage birds from migrating but simply provides sustenance as they stop to fuel up before moving further south. Although most hummingbirds travel to their winter habitats by October, some birds may migrate later, arriving in early December.
Uphoff took up a collection from human visitors and plans to donate the funds to Champaign County Audubon Society.
Email us ( if you happen to see a hummingbird at your feeder this time of year, as it is not likely a Ruby-throated! One of our board members can come to check out the sighting.
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