Field Notes: Help Birds Stay Warm in the Cold
White-breasted Nuthatch. Photo by Jeff Bryant.
By aerin tedesco, CCAS Field Trip Chair
The cold has finally kicked in and winter as it should be is here! We can help our feathered friends stay warm by keeping our feeders stocked and heated bird baths plugged in! Giving birds protein like suet, sunflower seeds, peanuts and even peanut butter can help them get through the coldest days in winter. And when the temps are below freezing for days on end, open water in a bird bath or heated container can be an important and welcome place to hydrate and bathe!
Make sure those feeders are ready for the Great Backyard Bird Count! This global event takes place February 14–17. To celebrate, on the last day of the count, CCAS is partnering with the CCFPD and Homer Interpretive Center for an event at Homer Lake. Join us Monday, February 17 at 10:30 AM for guided bird walks on Homer’s many great trails. Bring binoculars if you have them or borrow a pair. It’s FREE and for all ages.
Winter is an amazing time to bird, so get on out there and see what hearty species are in your neighborhood, local park, or preserve!