Field Notes: Welcome, Summer!
Prairie Warbler. Photo by Jeff Bryant.
By Colin Dobson, CCAS President
Hello Everyone! Happy (almost) June, it’s summertime!
I hope you were able to go see some of the migrants that came through this spring or were lucky enough to see some orioles, grosbeaks, or tanagers in your own backyard! With all of the warm weather during the second week of May, the migrants moved on very quickly; even I didn’t see all of the migrants! I hope I saw most of you at the Sunday Morning Bird Walks, and, if not, the walks will resume on the first Sunday in September. It was a fun spring!
As summer opens up I would like to start adding more field trips. We will work on having more for the fall, but our first mini field trip will be back to our annual swallow watch out at Homer Lake on June 2 at the Walnut Hill Shelter at 6:30 pm. We are not having a potluck this year, so just bring snacks to munch on and a lawn chair (if you have one, or we can stand) to watch all of the swallows and to have great conversations about birds!
Will be hoping to add the same trips as last year’s Havana shorebirds around August 20 this year and Jasper-Pulaski in mid-November. Stay tuned for more information!