Field Notes: June 2024 Meadowbrook Walk
A Warbling Vireo was heard singing on the recent Meadowbrook walk. Photo by Jeff Bryant.
By aerin tedesco, CCAS Field Trip Chair
A group of 16 birders led by CCAS board members aerin tedesco and Roger Digges birded Meadowbrook Park in Urbana on Saturday, June 22. We started at 7:30 AM before it got too hot, and the breeze kept us cool on a sunny day.
We saw 36 total species. Some species we saw with recently fledged young were House Wren, Tree Swallow, Downy Woodpecker, and possibly Common Yellowthroat. We caught a beautiful singing male Baltimore Oriole who finally came out into the open for good looks. Also many singing Warbling Vireos, Song Sparrows, and Gray Catbirds. Other notables included Great Crested Flycatcher, Eastern Bluebird, Blue-gray Gnatcatcher, and Cedar Waxwing.
We'll be doing another walk on Saturday, July 20 at 7am. Here is the link for more info and to sign up: