Field Notes: Closing Out Fall Migration
Yellow-rumped Warbler. Photo by Jeff Bryant.
By Colin Dobson, CCAS President
Hope everyone is coping with the dropping temperatures and the falling of leaves, although this year's fall colors have been amazing!
Most of our migrants have passed and our "snowbirds" (Dark-eyed Juncos; see Vice President Roger Digges’ new column!) have settled in and winter is on our doorstep!
Sunday Morning Bird Walks have been great and well attended so we hope you've been able to make it to one of our walks; if not, the walks will continue in the spring! Between all of the warblers, we were seeing on the early walks to the pintail, cormorants, and gulls we saw fly over on another, we saw a good variety of birds throughout the fall! Finches are moving this winter so watch those feeders and email us if you happen to see anything interesting! We hope to see you at our upcoming events or field trips!