The Meadowlark Messenger
Check out the latest news and announcements from Champaign County Audubon Society and our partners!
For decades, our print newsletter, The Meadowlark Messenger, has informed our members about the latest news and events. We’re pleased to now bring you all the info you count on through our online blog too!
Bird of the Month: Red-winged Blackbird
From late February through March, male Red-winged Blackbirds noticeably begin to fill marshes, meadows, and field edges. The females, sporting very different plumage, are much more secretive.
Bird of the Month: Turkey Vulture
As the air begins to warm and snow and ice recede, Turkey Vultures begin moving back into Champaign County.
Bird of the Month: Chickadee
In Champaign County, telling apart our two species of resident chickadees is very tricky!
Bird of the Month: Great-Horned Owl
December is probably the best month to find Great Horned Owls in Champaign County, as they hoot loudly to charm a mate! Of all the birds who breed in our area, they are the only ones who nest as early as January.
Bird of the Month: Dark-eyed Junco
In his inaugural monthly column, CCAS Vice-President Roger Digges introduces birders to that iconic “snowbird” abundant in east-central Illinois in November and December, the Dark-eyed Junco.