Field Notes: Christmas Bird Count Results
Winter Wren. Photo by Jeff Bryant.
By Colin Dobson, CCAS President
The 2023 Champaign County Christmas Bird Count (CBC) was held on December 16, 2023. The weather for the count was less than ideal; warmer temperatures in the low 40s, rain and wind all day made counting birds quite a challenge. Overall, 70 species were found in the count circle by 23 participants!
The most noteworthy species were 2 American Black Ducks, 11 species of waterfowl, Winter Wren, 2 Orange-crowned Warblers, and large numbers of both Purple Finches and Pine Siskins. There were plenty of great count week species, species that were seen within three days before or after the count day but were not found during the count. These include Great Egret, Turkey Vulture, and even a Baltimore Oriole the next day at a feeder in St. Joseph.
Thanks again to those that participated this year; we are looking forward to next year’s CBC! Do not forget about the Great Backyard Bird Count February 16–19 ( or the Spring Bird Count that will be May 4. Stay tuned to our newsletter and social media for upcoming events!