Location of the Month: River Bend Forest Preserve
Bufflehead is one of more expected diving duck species at River Bend from late fall to early spring! Photo by Colin Dobson.
By Colin Dobson, CCAS President
Located only twenty minutes northwest of Champaign and only five minutes southwest of Mahomet, River Bend Forest Preserve is a large public property that is owned by the Champaign County Forest Preserve District. The large quarry lakes, mixed with shrubland habitat along the entrance road, and bottomland forests that border the western and northern portions of the park, make this an ideal spot to see a wide array of species. River Bend is particularly worth a visit in February and March because waterfowl like to congregate here during the coldest periods or during spring migration, as the lakes at this property are one of the only locations providing deep water habitat in Champaign County.
Recently, plenty of uncommon species for Champaign County have been found here, including both Trumpeter and Tundra Swans, as well as plenty of ducks including Common Merganser! The two best locations to view the water are from the main boat ramp at the end of the entrance road and through trees along the north side of Mid American Road, although more water can be viewed by a short walk east on the trail from the east side of the main parking area. April is a great month to search for a couple Common Loons that can be found on the lakes as well, typically in full breeding plumage!
The shrubland and the bottomland forests can be particularly birdy for warblers and sparrows during migration. Pay attention to what is in front of you: an American Woodcock or two have been flushed off of trails along here before (their abundance peaks in March and April)!