The Meadowlark Messenger
Check out the latest news and announcements from Champaign County Audubon Society and our partners!
For decades, our print newsletter, The Meadowlark Messenger, has informed our members about the latest news and events. We’re pleased to now bring you all the info you count on through our online blog too!
Location of the Month: River Bend Forest Preserve
Large quarry lakes, shrubland habitat, and bottomland forests make this property an ideal spot to see a wide array of species. February and March are particularly great for waterfowl!
Location of the Month: Kaufman Park
This park in Champaign can be worth a stop anytime, but late summer and winter are the two best periods of the year to visit to see plenty of birds.
Location of the Month: Weaver Park
This unique Urbana park features multiple habitat types in a small area, with forest, prairie, and wetland supporting migratory birds who use the park as a crucial stopover site.
Location of the Month: Busey Woods
The new Location of the Month series by CCAS President Colin Dobson features brief descriptions of birding spots within 50 miles of Champaign. Busey Woods is a great place to find migrating warblers!